In my last post I touched on the issue of states' rights briefly and used an example of voting for a local school district issue and how the federal government is stripping voters of the right to make local decisions. I have addressed the issue on other forums and questioned the government's involvement in this arena and suggested there may be a tenth amendment violation. It seems I am not alone in this concern. Many states are making concerted efforts to ensure their sovereignty and the following is just one example: . I assure you Pennsylvania is not alone on this issue.
You know my sentiments with the likes of Charles Schumer. I wrote earlier of the his arrogance and disrespect for the American people ... and now comes Charliie Rangel. We can not allow these people who are making decisions affecting all our lives to continue with their separation from the people whom they are elected to serve. Examine here Rangel's compassion and concern for the American taxpayer: . What is it with these people??
I'm telling you the pressure is continuing to rise. The sentiment in this country is growing more angry and more and more concerned. The average "Joe Shit the Rag Man" feels like everything around him is spinning out of control. The natural balance in the scheme of life will swing the pendulum and balance will be restored but the means to attaining that end could be very turbulent. It is gratifying that more and more people are becoming involved. Part of the reason we have reached the point where we are is that too many have for so long been so complacent. We are a unique people and should treasure what we have. We should learn from our forefathers, not ignore their wisdom. At least some pressure can be released as people step out of their comfort zone and mail in tea bags and the like:
The sensation of a little more pressure being released was witnessed on Friday, March 13 when Glenn Beck hosted his special "We Surround Them". Many of us have been feeling the strange notion that something is going on around us, but I think Glenn Beck's program made that a much more visual image and reality...he actually began putting a face on the feeling. Maybe it is the right thing to ease a little of the pressure at a time because the pressure has risen so much that if it were to go all at once it could be devastating.
One last thing before I go is to remind all to tune in to C-Span this Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at about 6:00PM. Congressman King from Iowa has requested a "special order" hour discussion of the Fairtax (HR25). Please tune in and encourage others to do the same. This proposal, while not perfect, far exceeds any other and gives us all the opportunity to put some power and control back into the hands of the citizenry. Our current tax code is often used as a means to reward and/or penalize.
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