There was a time in my former career when I had the opportunity to interact with many people and many had to be advised of their rights before continuing our conversation. During one interview I was questioning a suspect about his drug trafficking. I had spent considerable time gaining his confidence and in response to a very difficult question he responded by saying, "Hey, how do I know that you are telling me the truth.....for all I know you could be Joe Shit the Rag Man".

We communicate via images in our mind and I developed an image of Joe Shit the Rag Man. I came to believe I was JOE. I prided myself in the image creation and this creation became my set of eyes as I examined the world around me. This "Joe" became who most of us are. Just a regular ol' guy (or gal) trying to cope, accept life and attempting somehow, along the way, to make a difference or a better life for ourselves, our families and others.

That is how Joe Shit the Rag Man came to have the breath of life.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I imagine one facet of our retail economy is flourishing and that is the sale of tea and tea bags. There seems to be a stir and people seem to be more willing than ever to express themselves and voice their opinions. Tea parties and full page ads such as the one on display at the Americans For Fair Taxation website ( ) seem to be reflecting the public spirit these days. I'll tell you what; it is refreshing to me. There seems to be something in the air and it is really hard to grasp it but I know it's there. I don't believe that people are willing to be ridiculed, snubbed and treated as though they don't matter by the public servants who are supposed to be representing them.

About a week ago Senator Schumer said that we don't really care about these issues. Watch the video at / . If this doesn't bother you, then I just don't understand. Who in the hell does he think he is. These people are so far removed from the rest of us that they are incapable to relate to the "joe shits" of America. How condescending!! These people insulate themselves from the majority of America. How can someone in his position neglect the true responsibilities of his position? How can an elected public servant set himself aside from the public. Why does he believe he is in a position to decide what I think and feel. He is wrong! This American does care and it upsets me that few seem to listen to what people are saying. So, yes, it is good to stimulate the tea sales ...I just hope more and more people take the opportunity to say, "Whoa, wait a minute, if you are truly representing me then listen and watch as the tea sales rise".

The whole tea party idea was born in Chicago in a spontaneous interview and has now grown to have quite a following. See . In the last couple days full page ads from have begun to appear in major cities. Follow this link and read a letter written on February 23, 2009 by Ken Hoagland who is the National Communications Director of

I do not want to relinquish the control of government to anyone but the people. We can not allow this to happen. I understand fully the whole concept of rule by the majority. There are two ways to affect politicians and that is (1)through money and (2) by numbers. I really believe the latter is becoming very restless. I do not advocate an armed revolution but I do believe there comes a time when people need to revolt and protest actions of a government when that government does not act in the best interest of its citizenry.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


02-17-09 13:14

Are you as worried and as concerned as I about the state of our economy, our way of life and the direction in which we are going?? Let's see...if a person gets a tax benefit of $400 spread out over the course of a year, that means that person stands to take home about $7.69 more per week. That translates to about $30.00 per month. I can't see myself making many changes because I now have $30 more per month in my pocket. I don't believe that will do anything to stimulate the economy.

I never want a hand-out from the government. I only want to be guaranteed to have an opportunity...I'll take it from there. Last year when I had foreclosure proceedings begun on my home I didn't ask the government or someone to give me money to make payments. I did everything I could to change my situation. I hauled scrap metal, painted oil well tanks, etc. and was able to catch up on all my payments. I got into the situation not of my own negligence or disregard. I had to take a disability retirement from my job. I had planned to work several more years but fate decided otherwise. Suddenly I found myself bringing in less than half what I had when working. The bills kept coming in so....again, take a bite of the shit sandwich and do what you have to. My payments are now current but the struggle continues. All I desire from our government is opportunity and not a hand-out.

If the government was sincere about an economic stimulus, then the government would provide us with opportunity and not hand out borrowed money to create an impression of economic growth. Do you know that a bill has been introduced in Congress that would quickly jumpstart the economy and help us all at the same time? That bill is HR 25 which is also called the Fair Tax.

If the Fair Tax would be implemented all workers would take home their entire gross pay...not a net pay. For a lot of people that could cover there rent or mortgage. The Fair Tax does away with all payroll taxes, estate taxes, corporate taxes, capital gains taxes, social security and medicare taxes. The Fair Tax plan also provides for a prebate check sent to each individual or family every month to defray costs associated with the national sales tax that would be implemented. That sales tax would be on the purchase of new goods and services. There would be no tax on used items. That puts one's self in a position where the individual can control their financial destiny with greater certainty. I believe we all should pay taxes for services provided and this system basically creates the same amount of revenue as our current out-dated system and at the same time does away with the IRS.

Studies demonstrate that there is about 12-15 trillion dollars sitting in offshore accounts because there is no real incentive for that money to be in US banks. If the Fair Tax was implemented, that money would return to our shores and would immediately jump-start our economy. The underground economy would also have to pay taxes that they now avoid....individuals engaged in narcotics trafficking, prostitution or any other under the table money would pay their fair share when they purchase a new car or gold chain or any other commodity. Tourists to this country pay no taxes but if the Fair Tax was implemented they would. American businesses could compete with and actually lead the world in trade instead of being at the disadvantage that we currently are.

This proposal also helps address the illegal immigrant issue. The prebate check would only be disbursed to US citizens. The sales tax rate in the proposal is 23% inclusive...some argue that is the same as 30% exclusive. Studies indicate that there is already 22-25% increase of cost of goods and services because of imbedded taxes. If the embedded taxes are removed from the cost of goods and services and the fair tax implemented, would we really notice much difference in the costs of goods and services...probably not, and personally I would rather pay 23% of items purchased in taxes when I choose than to have the government charge me a greater amount on the money I earn.

It would be nice to see April 15 as just another Spring day. Not the dreaded day it has become. I would love to see several hundred thousand people in Washington DC this April 15 to support HR 25.

I encourage all to go to and read for yourself. This has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats, but has everything to do with the direction and prosperity of our great nation.

Back After a Near Two Year Absense

02-11-09 17:28

OK, where do I go from here? And why did I choose the category LIFESTYLE? We can make a conscious decision to engage in a certain lifestyle but life's uncertainties can quickly derail our intent. Such is the case with me. Within days of having written my first post and talking about resiliency I recieved the bad news from my employer that they were altering my position. I had to take my own advice and move on. As an interrogator I often told suspects that "life is like a shit sandwich, take a bite and move on"! I took my bite and find myself in a position where I am now exploring more lifestyle changes.

With the current economic crisis we are all in I would expect that there are many who are, at this very moment, taking a bite of that sandwich as well. My pay was cut in half and the bills coming in have remained pretty much the same so there will be continuing lifestyle changes. I am looking at this as an opportunity. I always told my children that overcoming obstacles was what built character. The situation is what it is and my only recourse is to ask myself how I am going to adapt.

This past year, for the first time ever, my wife and I planted about 70 tomato plants, we planted sweet potato plants, and potatoes and squash and corn. We made our own spahetti sauce, tomato juice and froze a lot of our crop. Talk about a lifestyle change!!! There it is! I am beginning to think that this, as an alternate lifestyle, may not be such a bad idea. We are now considering marketing plants and produce and my wife has really been very active in expanding her crafts business.

As with so many facets of life, one can not live on expectations of a lifestyle alone. There are too many uncertainties in life and we all are better off if we put ourselves in a position whereby we can adapt readily and quickly. Lately I have listened to so much political BS that my head is swimming. The president tells everyone they should be able to live the American Dream and to be able to have a college degree, and a home, and health care, and so and so on. I think the American Dream should be to be resilient to all the changes that have been and always will be thrown at us.

Even at 61 years of age I have dreams. I don't think any of us should ever forfeit their dreams. A dream is more valuable than any lifestyle. Maybe I will even decide what I want to be when I grow up.

There are a lot of topics that I want to discuss here and will try to do so over the coming months. I hope people will comment and share opinions. Life is a learning experience for us all and we can all share in the varied experiences of one another and the varied opinions of one another.

Upcoming will be thoughts of Spring's arrival, the current state of our economy, the Fairtax proposal in Congress, planning the garden, maintenance on the house... isn't every facet of our life, our lifestyle, impacted by everything in our life's experiences?

Resiliency Equals Strength

If I were a boxer in a ring and life's obstacles my opponent I would surely have spent much of my time on the mat. Just as surely as having spent time on the mat I have spent equal time ensuring my getting up from the mat. I hate losing. If it is inevitable I try to accept it with grace, consider it as temporary and move on but I try to avoid the prospect of losing at all costs. If I were to be knocked down it would be just as certain that I would rise to continue the fight. When life knocks us down and has given us its best punch it is imperative that we stand and fight again. We learn through our struggles and obstacles to become stronger and to rapidly adapt to our circumstances at the moment. It is our resiliency, our ability to bounce back, that creates our greatest strengths in life's arena. With each negative experience in life we learn something of tremendous value and it is that which makes us smarter and better in the next of life's rounds. The challenge then internalizes and one begins enabling oneself to continue the struggle. Determination is borne of struggle as is resiliency and all three notions feed on one another. Struggle is the real life's experience and the elements of determination and resiliency are of the mind and spirit. Those elements of determination and resiliency cannot be seen, felt or heard but are mighty in their net result.
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