There was a time in my former career when I had the opportunity to interact with many people and many had to be advised of their rights before continuing our conversation. During one interview I was questioning a suspect about his drug trafficking. I had spent considerable time gaining his confidence and in response to a very difficult question he responded by saying, "Hey, how do I know that you are telling me the truth.....for all I know you could be Joe Shit the Rag Man".

We communicate via images in our mind and I developed an image of Joe Shit the Rag Man. I came to believe I was JOE. I prided myself in the image creation and this creation became my set of eyes as I examined the world around me. This "Joe" became who most of us are. Just a regular ol' guy (or gal) trying to cope, accept life and attempting somehow, along the way, to make a difference or a better life for ourselves, our families and others.

That is how Joe Shit the Rag Man came to have the breath of life.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I imagine one facet of our retail economy is flourishing and that is the sale of tea and tea bags. There seems to be a stir and people seem to be more willing than ever to express themselves and voice their opinions. Tea parties and full page ads such as the one on display at the Americans For Fair Taxation website ( ) seem to be reflecting the public spirit these days. I'll tell you what; it is refreshing to me. There seems to be something in the air and it is really hard to grasp it but I know it's there. I don't believe that people are willing to be ridiculed, snubbed and treated as though they don't matter by the public servants who are supposed to be representing them.

About a week ago Senator Schumer said that we don't really care about these issues. Watch the video at / . If this doesn't bother you, then I just don't understand. Who in the hell does he think he is. These people are so far removed from the rest of us that they are incapable to relate to the "joe shits" of America. How condescending!! These people insulate themselves from the majority of America. How can someone in his position neglect the true responsibilities of his position? How can an elected public servant set himself aside from the public. Why does he believe he is in a position to decide what I think and feel. He is wrong! This American does care and it upsets me that few seem to listen to what people are saying. So, yes, it is good to stimulate the tea sales ...I just hope more and more people take the opportunity to say, "Whoa, wait a minute, if you are truly representing me then listen and watch as the tea sales rise".

The whole tea party idea was born in Chicago in a spontaneous interview and has now grown to have quite a following. See . In the last couple days full page ads from have begun to appear in major cities. Follow this link and read a letter written on February 23, 2009 by Ken Hoagland who is the National Communications Director of

I do not want to relinquish the control of government to anyone but the people. We can not allow this to happen. I understand fully the whole concept of rule by the majority. There are two ways to affect politicians and that is (1)through money and (2) by numbers. I really believe the latter is becoming very restless. I do not advocate an armed revolution but I do believe there comes a time when people need to revolt and protest actions of a government when that government does not act in the best interest of its citizenry.

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