There was a time in my former career when I had the opportunity to interact with many people and many had to be advised of their rights before continuing our conversation. During one interview I was questioning a suspect about his drug trafficking. I had spent considerable time gaining his confidence and in response to a very difficult question he responded by saying, "Hey, how do I know that you are telling me the truth.....for all I know you could be Joe Shit the Rag Man".

We communicate via images in our mind and I developed an image of Joe Shit the Rag Man. I came to believe I was JOE. I prided myself in the image creation and this creation became my set of eyes as I examined the world around me. This "Joe" became who most of us are. Just a regular ol' guy (or gal) trying to cope, accept life and attempting somehow, along the way, to make a difference or a better life for ourselves, our families and others.

That is how Joe Shit the Rag Man came to have the breath of life.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


There are different types of floods that one can encounter; largely dependent on one's geographic location. The larger river basins accumulate water from many tributaries and while the rising water can be devastating one usually has a warning of the threat. A second type of flood is the flash flood where the water can rise fast and move with great speed and force. I have experienced both types of floods while serving as the county sheriff. The destruction of the flash flood to humans, in my experience, has always been greater than the slower rising waters of larger rivers. I'm not speaking of property damage... I'm addressing the toll on human life.

We are experiencing a flash flood of a different type in our country. Suddenly, we are facing a rushing wall of government growth unlike that we have ever seen before. This wall of rushing current is ripping at the foundations of our society. As with the menacing flash flood of water, how do we contain it? It creates its own meandering path and anything in the way is pushed aside.

No wonder so many people exercised their right last week with the tea parties all over this nation. The flood has to be contained and no one knows how to stop it at this point in time. The frustration compels people to express their fear, hurt, dissatisfaction and anger.

We attended a tea party event in Wheeling, West Virginia last week with another couple. Wheeling has a population of about 25,000 and I was surprised to see so many people in attendance there. A light rain was falling and I thought that would really stop a lot of people from coming out. It sure didn't dampen anyone's spirit or desire to get out and take part. Estimates of the crowd size ranged from 1700 to 2500. That's pretty amazing for a town the size of Wheeling. To see photos of the event follow this link:

The local paper (Wheeling Intelligencer) had an article and that can be viewed by going to:

I don't believe the frustration of the people has been relieved. I would imagine these types of events will continue, and if necessary, will continue until the next election when people will have an opportunity to express themselves at the ballot box.

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